User-Guide Printer Building 5

Overall Info:

In House 2 (canteen building) there is a terminal for topping up credit on your green card.
The printer is activated for printing with your Greencard. The terminal for the Greencard is to the left of the printer.

After activating the printer with your green card, the following options are available to you on the start page.

Printing from the PC pool:

When you print from the PC pool for the first time, you will be asked to enter a PIN. You can make this up yourself. You must enter the PIN when you start your print job on the printer.
If you forget your PIN, you can change it again as follows:
Go to the printer properties of Canon-Stadt and click on Details. There you can change your PIN.

When you send the print job, it looks like this on the printer. Your print job is labeled with your user name. Select your document and click on "Druckstart".