SPSS Campus License

1. In order to use the SPSS university license you absolutely need a VPN connection.  Link to instructions: https://zammad.hnee.de/help/de-de/30-vpn-laufwerke

2. Install the SPSS software.  The installation files can be found on the S drive under S:\Austauschverzeichnis\_von_HNE_Eberswalde\Software\SPSS.

3. Start SPSS.  When you start SPSS for the first time, an extra window opens.  From there, press “Start License Assistant”.

Alternatively, you can start the license wizard from the start menu (in the start menu: IBM SPSS Statistics 27 License Authorization Wizard)

4. In the next window, tap “continue”.

5. In the next window, select the “Concurrent User License” as the product authorization and click “Continue”.

6. Enter spssnet.hnee.de as the server and tap “continue”.

 7.  Press “Finish”.

8. Finally, press “Restart”.