VPN via Wireguard (MacOS)

Download the WireGuard software in the Appstore.

Choose the drop down menu and click on “Add Empty Tunnel” (“leeren Tunnel hinzufügen...")

1: choose a name (attention: do not use spaces)

2: copy the public key (öffentlicher Schlüssel)

Write an e-mail to support@hnee.de stating the following:

HNE-user name

Type of device (e.g. tablet, Macbook, smartphone…)

Public key: (paste copied data)

3: save the new tunnel


We can now unlock your VPN access and you receive another e-mail from us.

If you have closed WireGuard in the meantime, please re-open it. Choose the respective tunnel (in the example it is called HNEE) and click on edit in the bottom right corner.

Copy the information provided in the last e-mail (everything from address to the end of the endpoint line) and paste it underneath the existing text.

It should now look similar to the screenshot below:

Click on save (Speichern)

Should the button save not be activated, delete vpn.hnee.de:51820 and type the characters manually.

Please test the access by establishing a connection to an HNE server (see manuel x) and let us know in case it does not work.